Bilingual Legal Services Tailored to Your Needs
Seamless Bilingual Advocacy – English/Spanish
From Consultation to Courtroom Representing Clients In: Brevard County.
Have legal inquiries? Connect with us for a discussion.
Legal Disciplines
Practice Areas
Evelyn Araud, Esq. is an experienced Spanish speaking attorney who welcomes your family and criminal legal questions and concerns.

Family Law
With over 20 years of experience, we have been dedicated to the success of your family and general law issues.

Criminal Law Services
Former Assistant State Attorney in Brevard County.

Dependency Law
Former Senior Attorney for Department of Children and Families.
Law Services Included
Enforcement of existing court orders
Dependency Law
Delinquency Law
Dissolution of marriage
Marital separation agreements
Equitable distribution
Parenting plans
Time Sharing Schedule
Child support
Guardian Advocacy
Grandparent rights
And other family law related issues
Proven track of successfully resolved cases for over 20 years
Florida Bar
New York Bar
Member of the Brevard County Bar Association
About Evelyn Araud, Esq.:
- Sole Practitioner – Admitted in Florida and New York
- Former Assistant State Attorney, Brevard County – 18th Judicial Circuit
- Former Department of Children and Families, Senior Attorney, Brevard and Orange County
- Former DCF, Adult Protective Investigator, Brevard County
- Bi-lingual in English and Spanish (Se habla Español)

About Our Firm:
Our firm focuses on serving the individual in cases involving families, criminal defense, general civil litigation, juvenile matters and guardianship.
Our small, relationship-based practice emphasizes personal attention to the client needs. The Law offices of sole practitioners are probably the largest single category of practicing lawyers.
Potential benefits of hiring a sole lawyer:
Lower fees and costs. Although not always the case, sole practitioners generally have lower overhead than a larger law firm. Thus, it is not unusual for a sole practitioner to charge less than a big firm might charge for doing the same type of routine work.
- Taking smaller cases. As another potential benefit of being able to charge less, a sole practitioner may be more inclined to take the smaller cases that are not cost effective for a big firm.
- A more direct one-on-one working relationship with your lawyer. Your case is not going to get lost in the shuffle because it is not going to be handed off to another attorney.
- A more informal working relationship. This can lead to a better one-on-one working relationship, which may make you feel more comfortable.
Experienced Spanish Speaking Attorney:
During any legal procedure it is very important to understand your legal rights and processes. If you hire an attorney that can’t communicate clearly & effectively with you or your family member, due to a language barrier, then your legal representation is at a great disadvantage.
Evelyn Araud, Esq. is an experienced, bi-lingual attorney that can effectively communicate with you or your loved one in both Spanish & English.
Benefits of hiring a bi-lingual attorney:
- Communicate directly with your or your loved one without a translator
- Explain even the most complicated legal details in Spanish—clearly and effectively
- Give you or your loved one the opportunity to ask questions and understand the legal process
- Reassure you or your loved one during legal proceedings when they have questions or concerns.
Evelyn Araud, Esq. Attorney at Law
Have Questions?
Frequently Asked
What is Family Law?
Family law is an area of the law that deals with family-related issues and domestic relations including, but not limited to: the nature of marriage, civil unions, and domestic partnerships; issues arising during marriage, including spousal abuse, legitimacy, adoption, surrogacy, child abuse, and child abduction. The termination of the relationship and ancillary matters including divorce, annulment, property settlements, alimony, and parental responsibility orders, child custody and visitation and child support awards.
What is a legal divorce?
A divorce is the dissolution of a marriage. After divorce, both parties are free to remarry. During typical divorce proceedings, the couple’s assets and debts will be divided and the care and custody of any children will be determined. Each state has its own distinct divorce laws.
What is an uncontested divorce?
An uncontested divorce is one in which both parties agree to the divorce and the terms of the settlement without going to trial. An attorney experienced in negotiating terms is necessary so that the spouses are able to reach an agreement without going to court and having a judge resolve any contested issues.
What is the difference between “fault divorce” and “no-fault divorce”?
The enactment of Florida’s Marriage Dissolution Act in 1971 did away with the “fault” requirement, and instead permits a divorce on the basis that the marriage is irretrievably broken or that one spouse is mentally incapacitated. The issue of fault or marital misconduct may still come into play, however, in determining alimony and the distribution of property.
In a no- fault divorce, the parties merely need to state that the marriage has broken down irretrievably or that the couple has irreconcilable differences.
What is the difference between marital property and non-marital property?
Any property acquired by either spouse before the marriage is considered non-marital property and a court typically does not deal with such property for divorce-related matters. All property acquired by the spouses after the marriage is considered property of the marriage or marital property. Such marital property must be equitably divided by the court.
What factors are considered in determining custody and visitation?
Under Florida law, courts determine all matters relating to custody of minor children of the parties in accordance with the best interests of the child and in accordance with the Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction and Enforcement Act. It is Florida’s public policy to assure that each minor child has continuing contact with both parents after a divorce or dissolution. Parents are encouraged to share the rights and responsibilities of child rearing.
What are the advantages to mediation?
Mediation is a form of a negotiation where parties agree to resolve issues amicably without going to court. Mediation generally is more efficient from a time perspective and therefore much less costly than a court battle. Furthermore, more concentration is given to individual issues and the parties do not lose any rights to take the matter to the court later if needed.
What is Juvenile Delinquency?
Attorney, Evelyn Araud has extensive experience both as a juvenile prosecutor and a juvenile defense attorney in delinquency court. In delinquency court, a juvenile is accused of an offense that in adult court would be a crime. All juvenile trials are with only a judge instead of with a jury, and most cases are settled without a trial, with sanctions (punishment) such as community service, jail tours, apology letters and other tasks.
What is the difference between a misdemeanor and a felony?
Most crimes are divided into two categories, based on the severity of the crime: misdemeanor and felony. State law governs which crimes are considered more serious than others. Generally speaking, a misdemeanor crime is one where the maximum penalty is one year or less in jail or state prison. A felony crime is a more serious crime that can result in jail or prison time for more than one year.
What should I do if I am arrested?
Avoid panicking and stay calm. First, be polite to the arresting officers. You are not required to answer any questions that can incriminate you; therefore, you can exercise your right to remain silent. Do not complain while the police officers are doing their duty and at all times do not resist arrest. Second, exercise your right to communicate with an attorney, so that your rights are protected during the post-arrest and interrogation process.
What is Juvenile Dependency?
Dependency cases involve children who are removed or likely to be removed from their parents’ custody due to alleged abuse, abandonment, or neglect. These cases are usually begun by the Department of Children and Families.
What are my rights if I have been accused of a crime?
Those accused of crimes have a number of rights guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution. These rights include:
1. The right to remain silent in order to avoid self-incrimination.
2. The right to competent legal representation
3. The right to reasonable bail
4. The right to a fair and public trial
5. The right to be informed of the charges against you
6. The right to be confronted with the witnesses against you and to gather witnesses of your own
7. A number of other rights.
A criminal defendant is also presumed innocent until proven guilty. This means the prosecutor has the burden of proving beyond a reasonable doubt that you committed the criminal act(s) in question. This also means a defendant does not have to do anything or say anything to prove he or she is innocent.There are also laws regarding search and seizure which require law
enforcement to obtain a search warrant before they are allowed to search a specific place, at a specific time, for specific persons, evidence, contraband, and/or other items.
It is important to keep in mind there are some circumstance where police do not need a warrant to search and/or arrest you. If you have been accused of a crime, it is important to secure the services of an experienced criminal defense attorney as soon as possible, so that your constitutional rights are protected.
Have more legal inquiries?
Office or telephone conference appointments may be scheduled by contacting our legal assistants.
Evening and weekend consultations are available by appointment.